The Valley Division models the Southern Pacific railroad's Cal-P trackage connecting the Bay
area to Sacramento, the State Capital, and the gateway to the Central Valley and points east.
Passenger traffic from the Oakland Mole and freight from the Yard pass Oakland's 16th St Station
and then follow the Bay shoreline before moving inland to Davis. The final leg to Sacramento crosses
the distinctive Yolo trestle. This is the route of today's Amtrak Capitol.
From Sacramento, tracks run to Elvas Wye, meeting up with trackage from our Canyon Division, and then on to our large hidden staging yard at Roseville, the divison point with the Mountain Division.
We also model a short section of the Sante Fe which diverges from the SP just east of 16th St and then
passes through Pinole and Martinez, paralleling Hiway 4 through Franklin Canyon, and then rejoining SP trackage (for modeling convenience) just west of Davis.