Milestones |
2015 |
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OSCI Signals
Since OSCI is able to control all signals with JMRI, we have been adding DCC signal controllers to replace the Integrated Signal Inc. signal controllers. The ISS controllers were difficult to wire program for some of out complicated turnout situations. With OSCI-JMRI all the signal logic is built in and extremely easy to program special situations. The entire signal system has now been converted(2015). Along the mainlines, we continue to add additional infra red train detection for improved dispatcher control.
Development and installation by Jeff Rowe 2007-2015.
2012 |
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O Scale Computer Interface
A successful OSCI auto dispatcher test run from Departure track 11b to Midway and back to Arrival track 1a. ÊA total of 25 block were traversed without error! Train paused Êat Midway on track 28, auto changed track polarity before returning.
Development and installation by Jeff Rowe 2007-2012.
2004 |
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O Scale, Zenith-Mtn Division Yard, Golden
Spike, 21 Aug 2004.
2004 |
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Completion of New Panels, 21 Aug 2004.
The redesign and wiring of the Arrival, Departure, Midway and Zenith
panels was concluded during 2004. These panels presented a unified look and
feel and had two cabs, each able to connect to size power sources including DCC. Panel design, construction and installations by Jeff Rowe, 2001-2004
2003 |
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O Scale, Zenith-Mtn Division,
Golden Spike Picture, 1 Nov 2003.
Back (l to r): Andy Olson, Jim Trenkle;
Top(l to r): Jim Ambrose with daughter Katie, Dave
Johnston, Thomas Ambrose, Marty Campbell, Ed
Martinez, Jeff Heller;
Just below bridge (l to r) Mike Leahy, Jeff Rowe;
Bottom (l to r): Gene Chamberlin, Fred Sill.
1996 |
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O Scale, Departure Division,
Golden Spike Picture, 16 April 1996.
Initials on the right: EM could be Ed Marshall or Eddie Martinez, both were active members at the time. DRJ is most likely Dave Johnson Sr., Davy's dad. M may be a combined ML so my guess is Mike Leahy. Info from Jim Trenkle, 2Nov2015.
Publications |
2005 |
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East Bay Model Engineers Celebrate Golden
Spike, Jim Ambrose, Jeff Heller, O Scale
Trains, Jan-Feb 2005, Vol 4 No. 1
2011 |
![[No Image avaiable]](Publications/CCM_Article/gsmrm_postcard_front_2010_imageonly_300dpi.jpg)
Click image for article pdf file.
Trains at Golden State Model Railroad Museum, Jeffery Rowe, Contra Costa Market Place Magazine, Oct 2011, p. 36-39.
![[No Image avaiable]](Publications/CCM_Article/CCCOVERbayhills1011.jpg)
Click image for complete magazine.
Julia S. Smith
Editor/Office Manager, Marketplace Magazine
PS Publishing, Inc.
605 Trancas Street, Suite A
Napa, CA 94558