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East Bay Society of Model Engineers from The Whistle Stop, Feb-Mar 1952

The following two artiles on EBMES from The Whistle Stop magazine were provided to us from Edward G. Skuchas, Audubon, PA on 18Mar2019. He also made these comments: "...I decided to find out as much as I could about the East Bay Club. I am an O scale trolley / interurban modeler. I found your web site and started to dig in. I can say that as far as I know there are no living members of the EBMES O Traction Railroad in existence. I personally knew Bill Hoffman Jr. and his wife for many years and had been to his house in CT. I was able to recite his car building clinic since I saw it so many times besides discussing specific car construction with him. Bill Hoffman was a regular contributor to that magazine and its The Junction section."

Ed also added: "The only thing that could be mentioned separately would be the trolley modelers who were the driving force of that portion of the layout. The Bay Area has a rich heritage of trolley and interurban systems with the Key and SP systems heading out into the bay to the ferry terminal, the Key and SN service across the Bay Bridge, and the SN interurban service all the way to Sacramento.

In one of the two articles is a list of equipment and their builders. You have on display models from two of the builders. I think the others should be mentioned especially Bill Hoffman who is a well known O scale master craftsman who could build a car body in a day. He won many awards and he authored articles in many magazines including WS, RMC and others."

Many thanks to Edward for locating these articles. They have some great photos and layout information from the Emeryville EBMES --Jeff Rowe, O Scale Trainmaster, 25Mar2019.

East Bay Society of Model Engineers part 1 The Whistle Stop Feb 1952s East Bay Society of Model Engineers part 2: The Oakland, Antioch and Eastern, "Electrified" The Whistle Stop Mar 1952
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